What does pain do, and how can Craniosacral help?

Understanding What Pain Does…
Pain on a physical or emotional level causes us to go into protective mode. We seize up around our pain. Pain causes fragmentation,  encapsulation, and our life force is drained to contain the suffering. This is a good thing for our system to do for a short time. It helps the suffering  be less overwhelming.  Yet, over the long haul, this way of dealing with pain is no longer helpful. We stop functioning at our maximal potential. We become less coherent on a quantum/energetic level, and this shapes our tissue/structure over time.  We are all part energy, and part matter. The energy that breathes us is intelligent and directs all of our cells to do their job.

How does craniosacral help pain?
Craniosacral therapy supports a unified, coherent, mind-body field that helps us orient to health rather than suffering. On a daily basis the more still we become, (less active monkey mind), the more coherence occurs. The more coherence we have creates more  access to our inherent health and higher intelligence. That is why it is important to have time in your life each day if only for a few minutes to increase a quiet mind and create more energetic coherence.

Illness begins on any level of health:
Chemical= nutritional imbalances and toxins from air, water, and food
Structural= Imbalances in our structure (especially along the spine) can affect sympathetic nerves that influence our organs, lymphatics, blood supply, and nerves of the musculoskeletal system. This depletes our body’s energy to maintain optimal posture.
Energetic= this can be chronic exposure to EMF’s from: cell phones, wifi, etc…
Emotional= especially early events have a strong imprint on our neurochemical habits and pathways affecting our brain and entire cellular matrix. This is a huge part of health and wellness. Learning to work with emotional self regulation is optimal to staying healthy.

Coherence= health
Craniosacral helps with the overall coherence of the body to increase health. In combination with this powerful work I also check the layers above and treat and refer accordingly. Often people need support on more than one layer at a time. My goal is to help them figure out where the health issue is coming from. Symptoms are not always where you would think they are coming from. Chinese medicine is 5000 years old and clearly states that.  I will point you in the best direction for the quickest healing. When someone comes in with symptoms that persist, after getting treatments from other practitioners that is a flag for me that the kind of treatment was done well, but did not target the core problem. With chronic pain there is usually a perfect storm with pieces of a puzzle that brought their system out of coherence.
Fritz Popp speaks of coherence, and has studied health with respect to biophotons.  He is a German Physicist: http://www.biontologyarizona.com/dr-fritz-albert-popp/
In Health, Dr Kate


Knarly Meniere's has good results with nutrition and cranial.


Forgiveness and Your Health